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The Faith of Queen Elizabeth

Icon, matriarch, reformer, and the longest-reigning monarch in British history—Queen Elizabeth II intrigues millions around the world with her royal heritage, inspirational character, and profound faith—especially as depicted in award-winning films such as The Queen and the popular Netflix series The Crown.


With a reign that bridges the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Queen Elizabeth has become the definition of stability, faithfulness, and dignity. Fearlessly, she led her country into the modern age with a balance of historical tradition and entrepreneurial initiative, public service and private devotion.


Now nearing seven decades on the throne, the Queen has faced many personal and public storms—an early and surprising ascension to the throne, the dissolution of the British Empire, political upheavals, international crises, national tragedies, family deaths, and the tabloid travails of her children and grandchildren. But throughout all trials and triumphs, Her Majesty credits her personal faith in Jesus Christ as the steadying anchor to her life and reign.


Bestselling author and biographer Dudley Delffs unpacks the secret behind Her Majesty's personal devotion and public service. With compelling research and fascinating detail, this spiritual biography offers a fuller, richer picture of the woman who continues to lead with unwavering faith and resolve.